Three biggest hits from Microsoft Windows 10 event

In Redmond, Washington the managerial class of Microsoft grouped up at the company’s central station. The big time of the year has just arrived.
The Microsoft Windows 10 was introduced with its extra ordinary features and unimaginable apps and attributes. With its trendy and new start screen, more powerful browser, featuring astounding tools for PC and Xbox users, holographic and Hololens technology it’s just too amazing to be operated.
As always, Microsoft is again hitting the floor with its unimaginable new features and innovative ideas. Scrutinizing its key features lets finish off with the agog. The Microsoft windows 10!
Free upgrade to Microsoft Windows 10
Free Windows 10 upgrade for the users of windows 7 and windows 8.1. More adventurous task bar and the option to maximize the start menu to full screen is something windows users are waiting for.
With the notification bars on the both sides, allowing you to attain a quick access to your frequently used apps is another upgraded feature of windows 10.
Introducing Microsoft Cortana for Windows 10
Cortana, an intelligent personal assistant is now accessible on PC through Windows 10. Notification will be appeared on the lower left corner to click in conveniently whenever you need its service and support. New accents and languages learned by Cortana made it more useful for you to operate it with different expressions and articulation.
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Microsoft has demonstrated Cortana to update you at a glance with weather fore casts, interrogation about locations, flight monument queries and many easy to go things like that. It is now more easy to give her commands to play music or open up any file or app of your choice edict emails for you.
Spartan: A new Web Browser for Windows 10
Spartan actually is the code name used by Microsoft for its amazing new web browser. It strive to provide its users with distortion free web browsing and can be operated on PC or on mobile devices and is equally helpful for both.To intensify its usage and performance Microsoft has designed it to provide you with undisturbed and flawless service .
It allow you to save the final work u were performing and share it through OneNote. As in Google, you don’t have to open the whole search box to search for it or to make any query in this regards instead you just have to enter the URL directly to the URL bar and get the results in no time.
Gaming wasn’t that groovy and pleasurable as it is now on Windows 10 supporting Xbox Apps. It is more fun to talk through chat and voice conversations to the players you are competing online. You can record, save , share the live clips and you can also edit them before posting or sharing it.