How to use Drop box – Complete guide for Beginners

Drop Box is now one of the official ways to share anything from friends, family to CEO’s and M.D’s so making the maximum use of it is very important. Also, a very important part of this file sharing service and free online storage is that iPhone’s, Android’s, desktops, laptops and even Mac’s have it so no device is way out of range or no excuses as to who can and cannot use it.
It is easily available on , the initial free account gives you a 2GB storage and once you start doing a list of things and have your friends and family members sign in your storage keeps increasing. You can also pay for it 9.99$ a month to get 50GB online.
Essential Tips for Drop Box Users
After you download and install it the typical way any software is installed you can simply copy and paste any item you want from anywhere on your computer to the drop box folder and it will automatically upload to the server.
Once uploaded you can share, store or do whatever you want, same is the case with other devices options such as upload to drop box automatically are available and life gets easier for you.
About the files security in Drop box
There are certain things that you need to keep in mind for drop box which are actually very essential as drop box users. The first thing is that there is no issue of security or sharing, as the files are only shared when you add someone or select someone apart from that no one can view whatever you have in your drop box.
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Easy to use free online storage
It helps you connect to other people all across the globe with just a click, so if you are collaborating on projects or have important files to share or instant images that need to go right there and then. Drop Box is what you are looking for
You can recommend this software to anyone who you share a lot of things with, the best part is the simplicity of this software as it’s very very easy to use. So make the most of it with friends and family.
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