How to easily use Instagram on Windows and Desktop

Today, our topic of discussion is how to use Instagram on Windows. Instagram is a place which is loved by millions and the popularity keeps growing.
Posting a pic on Instagram means you absolutely have to show this to the world and random strangers without any deceit or hidden agenda like and you end up having good friends that stay only till images.
On October 2010, two most experienced developer named Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom created Instagram and within 2 years Instagram has 100 million active users. The registration continues and at the end of 2014, there are over 300 million active users that used Instagram.
On April 2012, Facebook owner mark Zuckerberg acquired Instagram for approximately US$1 billion in cash and stock. The Instagram App is available for Google Play Store, Apple App Store and for Windows Phone Store.
Though every place has good company and bad company so we have that here to but that does not mean that you do not have this app. Using it on Windows can be a hassle so here we are helping you in every way we can.
Use Instagram on Windows 8 with InstaPic
InstaPic is a complete solution and client for Instagram on Windows and helps you use Instagram in a complete way which makes it easier to access a lot of things.
You can begin with signing in and signing up on the InstaPic App. It even gives you the option to add multiple accounts you have.
Yes, do not look like you just saw a ghost people have a handful of accounts for all different reasons and purposes. Moving on this client helps you do everything that you used to on your mobile app. This will include uploading photos, editing them with filters, looking at your timeline, recent activity of others and yours too.
Along with your followers and the people you un follow. Hence, you do not feel as you are not using it any differently. The only difference is that the screen is bigger and you get a better view of pictures.
Pixsta: Best way to use Instagram on PC
Pixta is an App that is used as a client for Instagram on Windows and is another way to access Instagram on your desktop without a hassle. The Pixsta App lets you sign in, like pictures, follow/Unfollow.
The only glitch is that you will not be able to upload pictures the way you can on other apps. In Pixta the Instagram for Windows, the user panel is very attractive and gives a nice elegant app look and user friendly interface.
While using Instagram on Windows, you can browse feed, popular and nearby tabs, receive real time notification. Pixta App for Instagram on Windows and PC can easily be use and Re-size to fit your browsing style and you can download amazing videos and photos easily.