20 Highly useful twitter tools for marketing professionals

Twitter is an online and social networking service, enabling users to send and read short “ tweets ”. On twitter people talk about what is happening around them including their business activities.
It helps the professionals to be aware of what their customers need from you in real time. Such influences can help you build your business in a way. Here we discuss about 20 highly recommended twitter tools for marketing professionals.
Social mention
Social mention is on of the top used twitter tool and it can track your brand, topics and products across over hundred social media websites
Bit.ly is commonly used as a link shortener service but Through this application users can send links to numerous accounts and customize shortened domains to high spot their brand
Twile share
This twitter tool use for the files which don’t fit to the recommended twitter mold are easy to be shared by using twileshare as it let user share everything like excel, PDF or spreadsheets in their original form.
Buffer is used when you have lack of time and you need to tweet more than usual or for numerous times than this app is fit for that as it allows to prepare a dozen of tweets in a short period of time and set up a way to be published on different selected times.
Tweet Deck
It is all in one management twitter tool for social media experts specially professionals. It is better for posting marketing updates.
Rite tag
With the help of rite tag users can see the feedback, popularity and reach of the tweet and it is also helpful to let you be known of what people suggest you.
Tweroid is on of the free and useful twitter application and it manage and analyze your tweets as well as your followers tweets in a arranged manner. Tweroid can prompt you about what will be the best time to tweet so you will get a maximum response from your followers.
It is one of the best Twitter tool for managing your accounts on Twitter.
CoTweet provides twitter tool for team to engage on social media. It is built on the idea that business need to have more people managing the business account. It displays all of your messages across multiple accounts in one stream.
Twaiter is the twitter tool where you can schedule messages to be broadcast to your followers on the exact scheduled time.
This twitter tool will help you to list yourself and search for the other users by keywords, city and zip code. You can also list and hype your small business events and announce promotions.
It is an easy way to connect with the journalists of your area to share something newsworthy story.
It is helpful for bloggers and writers to publish their posts automatically to the twitter account.
This app allows you to publish events, track RSVPs and invite people to attend your business or any other occasions.
It allows you to invite users to have accounts and access twitter handles you are collectively managing. To use this twitter tool you must have the ability to review and publish tweets.
Use this twitter tool to publish short messages like special offers, upcoming events or new products.
Tweet charts
This twitter tool is designed to help users compile social media reports for clients. Tweet chart help graph your retweets, replies and stats and mentions. It is helpful if you use twitter for numerous clients.
It is easy to use and a very good analyst and simple twitters clients to manage multiple accounts and customize tweet streams.
This twitter tool covers many categories and has strong search features to help you find people of your concern.
Hoot Suite
Hoot suite is very popular among business individuals as it is an easy way to track and manage several accounts in a while. It is very simple and easy for the twitter users to access and update their accounts and tweets.
Also Read : Earn Money with Twitter using Sponsored Tweets